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Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty

The People Who Introduce, Get Introduced.

Top 10 Most Important Things A Network Can Do
  1. A network replaces the weakness of the individual with the strength of the group.
  2. Mirror, mirror, on the wall. — Peer review
  3. Know thine enemy through thine network.
  4. My network can help you expand your network.
  5. A network can enrich your life anywhere in the world.
  6. A network can provide you with new experiences and knowledge.
  7. Networking can help you help others.
  8. Job security? Don’t rely on the corporation. Rely on your network.
  9. A network can make you look good.
  10. A network expands your financial reach infinitely.
The Four Best Places To Go Prospecting
  1. Alumni Clubs
  2. Industry Associations
  3. Social Clubs
  4. Hobbies

It Is Important To R.I.S.K. It When It Comes To Networking.



In networking, reciprocity consists of the exchange of favors. Without reciprocity, you can come off quite selfish. Also, before you do a favor in business, it doesn’t hurt to figure out first how the other person can repay you. This doesn’t have to be cold-blooded either. You can have your network repay you by doing a favor for a third party.






Sharing is the element of networking that is meant to avoid breakdown in communication within the network, similar to that communication breakdown of the “phone game”.


Keeping At It


If your network is going to work, you have to stay plugged in and keep the wires humming.

Cornerstones For A Solid Network
  1. Real Estate Broker
  2. Event Promoter
  3. Travel Agent
  4. Community Leaders
  5. Banker
  6. Elected Local Officials
  7. High-Ranking Cop
  8. Firefighters
  9. Celebrity
  10. Veterinarian
  11. Insurance Expert
  12. Auto-Mechanic
  13. Media Contact
Be A Differentiator And They’ll Never Forget You

Send birthday cards, not Christmas cards.


What do you have to offer that makes you memorable? What connects you with the person you most want to be remembered by?


If people keep saying, “Tell me your name again,” either (a) you mumble or (b) you aren’t doing enough to make an impression.

Harvey’s Top 10 List Of Biggest Networking Mistakes
  1. Don’t assume the credentials are the power — find where the power is.
  2. Don’t confuse visibility with credibility — don’t solely selfishly join an organization.
  3. Don’t be a schnorrer, someone who takes more than they’re entitled to.
  4. Don’t say no for the other guy.
  5. Dance with the one that brung you.
  6. Don’t mistake the company’s network for your network.
  7. Don’t be slow to answer the call.
  8. It probably isn’t just your network that aging; it’s you. Stay with the times.
  9. Don’t underestimate the value of the personal touch.
  10. If you don’t know, ask. Even if you do know, ask.
Harvey’s Top 10 List Of The Best Ways To Stay In Touch With Your Network
  1. Use the calendar creatively.
  2. Watch for important community events.
  3. Observe organizational / personal / company changes.
  4. Get wired. (Connect on the internet)
  5. Clip and ship. (Newspapers — outdated)
  6. Use your pitstops constructively. Never neglect your network when you’re in the area.
  7. When your network is filled with static, you can help clear the air.
  8. Anyone can call them when they’re up. Remember to call them when they’re down.
  9. Report any major changes in your situation.
  10. Be there.
It Is Better To Give Before You Receive

The old 80/20 Rule still hold true. 20% of your network probably provided 80% of the value. What have you done for them lately?


Plan way to recognize the value of your network:


  1. Events
  2. Gifts
  3. Newsletters


Don’t worry that your customers aren’t being properly recognized. If you’re not doing it, you can bet your competition is.


Life-Dependent Network


  1. Doctors
  2. Lawyers
  3. Accountants


When You Work On You Network, Your Network Works For You

Collect and organize detailed information about each individual in your network and keep it updated. This will help you with Keeping At It.


You Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine


When two people exchange dollar bills, each has only one dollar. When two people exchange networks, they each have two networks.


Q. How do you open the door?


  1. Know the gatekeeper.


Don’t Forget The Ones You’ve Left Behind


Out of sight doesn’t have to mean out of mind. People drop out of weight for reasons, usually the wrong reasons — job loss, illness divorce. Don’t let them get too far away.


Teach Your Subordinates The Power Of Networking


Teaching subordinates to network is one of the best investments in the future you’ll ever make. And by the way: Is your boss doing the same for you?


Ask And You Shall Receive — Maybe


When you’re asking for what you want, take into account what the other person can give. Overplay your hand and you’re likely to come up empty-handed.


The World’s Greatest Networker


You don’t have to be in politics to be a politician. Learn from the best.


Present At The Creation


Inspiration you can do alone. Execution requires other people.




Are you a gateway to information in your organization or a roadblock? Employees respect the former and resent the latter.


Spend at least one week a year in the trenches — working on the line, pushing broom, toting barge, lifting bale — doing whatever are the toughest, most menial jobs the company has to offer.


You don’t have to know everything, as long as you know the people that do.


Put your memory where your mouth is. If you want to impress people with how much you care, show them how much you remember.


The people you are closest to and need most are the ones you are most likely to take for granted.


It’s lonely at the top. The bigger they are, the more strokes they need.


It is a myth that people don’t like to be asked to help. Don’t be afraid to ask.


What you are is God’s gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God.


Remembering doesn’t work. Anyone who counts on their memory has a fool for a filing system.


One of the greatest mistakes you can make in your career is being afraid to ask for help.